Erasmus Langer
Siegfried Selberherr
Elaf Al-Ani
Hajdin Ceric
Siddhartha Dhar
Robert Entner
Klaus-Tibor Grasser
René Heinzl
Clemens Heitzinger
Christian Hollauer
Stefan Holzer
Gerhard Karlowatz
Markus Karner
Hans Kosina
Ling Li
Gregor Meller
Johannes Mesa Pascasio
Mihail Nedjalkov
Alexandre Nentchev
Vassil Palankovski
Mahdi Pourfath
Philipp Schwaha
Alireza Sheikholeslami
Michael Spevak
Viktor Sverdlov
Oliver Triebl
Stephan-Enzo Ungersböck
Martin Wagner
Wilfried Wessner
Robert Wittmann

Klaus-Tibor Grasser
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Klaus-Tibor Grasser was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1970. He received the Diplomingenieur degree in communications engineering, the Ph.D. degree in technical sciences, and the venia docendi in microelectronics from the Technische Universität Wien in 1995, 1999, and 2002, respectively. He is currently employed as an Associate Professor at the Institute for Microelectronics. Since 1997 he has headed the Minimos-NT development group, working on the successor of the highly successful MiniMOS program. He was a visiting research engineer for Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, and for the Alpha Development Group, Compaq Computer Corporation, Shrewsbury, USA. In 2003 he was appointed head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for TCAD in Microelectronics, an industry-funded research group embedded in the Institute for Microelectronics. His current scientific interests include circuit and device simulation and device modeling.

Modeling Hierarchies for the Simulation of Modern Semiconductor Devices

Modeling of carrier transport in modern semiconductor devices has reached a point where the classic drift-diffusion model is no longer sufficient. While in the last decade reasonably good results could be obtained with the drift-diffusion model, a plethora of new effects needs to be considered in any accurate model. These effects include various quantum mechanical phenomena like carrier quantization in the channel, tunneling through oxides, and resonant tunneling, in addition to ballistic transport phenomena. Various models have been proposed to capture one or the other effect. In general, this involves a considerable amount of additional computational effort. For instance, to account for quantization in the channel, the Schrödinger equation has to be solved, while the quasi-ballistic transport regime is best captured by a Monte Carlo solution of the Boltzmann equation. However, for very small devices, Boltzmann's equation is no longer valid and has to be replaced, for instance, by the Wigner-Boltzmann equation. If device scales are of the order of a few nanometers, scattering effects might loose their importance and a coherent transport model based on Schrödinger's equation can be used.
Up to now, no established 'standard TCAD model' for end-of-the-roadmap semiconductor devices is available, leaving the device designer with many uncertainties regarding the best modeling approach. In particular, the best choice depends on the application at hand, where a good balance between accuracy and efficiency needs to be found. Since this often cannot be decided in advance, the most promising approaches need to be tried and the results compared. Therefore, a modern device simulator has to offer at least the most established approaches. However, it is essential that these approaches are implemented as consistently as possible, because, otherwise, one would not be able to perform a meaningful comparison.
To achieve this goal we have decided to provide all additional simulation modes, as a first step a Monte Carlo and a Schrödinger module, via Minimos-NT as a generalized interface. The Monte Carlo and Schrödinger solvers have been designed as libraries which obtain their data directly from Minimos-NT. For this, several regions can be defined in Minimos-NT. In these regions the original mesh can be used or a new mesh can be generated which is suitable for the specialized module. This new mesh can be of lower dimensionality, and a generalized interface is provided to extend the calculated result to the original mesh.
In addition, this approach has the advantage that all modules use the Minimos-NT material database and, when possible, the same material models. Inconsistencies can thus be avoided and a comparison of the models is made possible. In addition, the transport parameters required by Minimos-NT for the Monte Carlo table-based transport models can be generated directly by Minimos-NT.

Example definition of two regions, one for Monte Carlo
and the other for the Schrödinger solver

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