Diego Milardovich
Tel.Nr.: +43 1 58801-360

Worked for the IµE from 02-02-2020 to 19-05-2023.

Biography (as of 19-05-2023):

Diego Milardovich was born in Rosario, Argentina in 1992. He received his Master's degree in Electronic Engineering at the National University of Rosario in 2019. In February 2020, he joined the Institute for Microelectronics at the TU Wien, where he is currently working on his doctoral degree focusing on atomistic modeling of insulator defects. His previous experiences include 1 year as a research assistant at the Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering department of Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland), 2 years as an engineering officer at Nestlé (Firmat, Argentina) and 3 months as a research engineer at Techint (Buenos Aires, Argentina).