Book Information

Advanced Semiconductor-on-Insulator Technology and Related Physics 15
- Editor: Omura, Yasuhisa; Gamiz, Francisco; Ishii, Hiromu; Martino, Joao-A.; Nguyen, Bich-Yen; Raskin, Jean-Pierre; Selberherr, Siegfried
- Published: 2011, 333 pages
This is the continuation of the long running “Silicon-on-Insulator Technology and Devices” symposium. The issue of ECS Transactions covers recent significant advances in SOI technologies, SOI-based nanoelectronics and innovative applications including scientific interests. It will be of interest to materials and device scientists, as well as to process and applications oriented engineers and scientists.
Table of Contents:
- Opening and Plenary - 1
- Plenary - 2
- Materials - 1
- Electron Device Physics - 1
- Characterization - 1
- Poster Session
- Electron Device Physics - 2
- Devices and Circuits
- MEMS and Photonics - 1
- MEMS and Photonics - 2
- Materials and Characterization - 2
- Nanoscale Simulations
- Device Physics and Technology