"A framework for combined simulations of electromigration induced stress evolution, void nucleation, and its dynamics: Application to nano-interconnect reliability" Paper

Editor's Pick in Journal of Applied Physics

We are proud to announce that a recently published paper in the 134th volume of the Journal of Applied Physics, titled "A framework for combined simulations of electromigration induced stress evolution, void nucleation, and its dynamics: Application to nano-interconnect reliability" has been selected as an Editor's Pick.

In this study, we have developed a comprehensive physics-based electromigration simulation framework and applied it to copper nano-interconnects. This framework seamlessly integrates the three critical stages of stress evolution, void nucleation, and void dynamics into a single, fully coupled, and consolidated platform. The insights obtained from the showcased case studies contribute significantly to guiding technological advancements towards achieving enhanced performance and lifetime for interconnects.

This work has been performed in cooperation with imec, Belgium, and contribution from our colleague Hajdin Ceric.