Projects Details

Multi-Level Simulation for Interconnect Characterization and Optimisation

Project Number IST-2000-30133 MULSIC   
Start of Project 31. August 2001
End of Project 30. August 2004
Additional Information Entry in CORDIS


The MULSIC project aims at the development of an integrated suite of software tools for the simulation of interconnects of ultra-large-scale integrated (ULSI) circuits. As result, modules will be provided for process simulation, electrical and reliability characterization, as well as for interfacing the simulation results of these tools with commercial software for full-chip extraction already available. This will allow investigation of how effects on process level influence electrical and reliability characteristics of interconnects for entire circuits. In consequence, with the software modules developed within MULSIC, it will be possible to optimise circuit design taking into account effects caused by the manufacturing process. This is of essential importance for current and future generations of integrated circuits but not possible with software tools available so far. The route for commercialisation will be prepared.
