Software Information
A C++ linear algebra library for GPUs and multi-core CPUs using CUDA, OpenCL, and OpenMP
- Three computing backends: CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP
- Iterative Solvers: Conjugate Gradient, Stabilized BiConjugate Gradient, Generalized Minimum Residual
- Preconditioners: ICHOL, ILUT, ILU0, Block-ILU, AMG, (F)SPAI, Jacobi
- BLAS Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 routines on GPUs and multi-core CPUs
- Fast Fourier transform
- C++ Interface is mostly uBLAS compatible
- Interfaces for uBLAS, Eigen and MTL 4
- Iterative Solvers can directly be used with uBLAS, Eigen and MTL4 objects
- MATLAB interface for iterative solvers (as separate download)
- Structured matrices: Circulant, Hankel, Toeplitz, Vandermonde
- OpenCL Kernel optimization environment for optimal performance on the target device
- Header-only library
- MIT (X11) open source license
Open Source Project Page
More information can be found at