Erasmus Langer
Siegfried Selberherr
Elaf Al-Ani
Tesfaye Ayalew
Hajdin Ceric
Martin Della-Mea 
Siddhartha Dhar
Robert Entner 
Andreas Gehring 
Klaus-Tibor Grasser 
René Heinzl 
Clemens Heitzinger
Christian Hollauer
Stefan Holzer
Andreas Hössinger 
Gerhard Karlowatz 
Robert Kosik 
Hans Kosina 
Alexandre Nentchev
Vassil Palankovski
Mahdi Pourfath 
Philipp Schwaha
Alireza Sheikoleslami 
Viktor Sverdlov 
Stephan Enzo Ungersböck 
Stephan Wagner 
Wilfried Wessner
Robert Wittmann 



Stephan Wagner
Stephan Wagner was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1976. He studied electrical engineering (computer technology) at the Technische Universität Wien, where he received the degree of Diplomingenieur in 2001. He joined the Institute for Microelectronics in November 2001, where he is currently working on his doctoral degree. His scientific interests include software technology, device and circuit simulation, and computational numerics. In summer 2003, he held a visiting research position at Texas Instruments in Dallas, TX, USA.

Simulation of Advanced RF Devices

The previous versions of Minimos-NT provided only two simulation modes: the basic steady-state DC mode and the transient simulation mode that takes all time derivatives in the time domain into account. Using the transient mode small-signal analysis is very inconvenient and costly, which was the basic motivation to consider development of a small-signal or AC analysis mode providing the capability to simulate directly in the frequency domain. In addition to the single device simulator, the circuit simulator of Minimos-NT has been equipped with small-signal capabilities.

After the integration of new assembly and solver modules, which are also capable of handling complex-valued linear equation systems, Minimos-NT was extended by several features for small-signal simulations: for example, calculation of the admittance and scattering matrices and the efficient extraction of various small-signal parameters (Y-, Z-, S- and H-parameters) or related figures of merit (cut-off frequency, maximum oscillating frequency, etc.). In order to take parasitics introduced by the measurement setup into account, single devices can be embedded in a standard two-port circuit, which allows the extrinsic parameters to be extracted easily.

The in-house solver module provides two nonstationary iterative methods, Bi-CGStab and GMRES(m), in combination with an incomplete factorization preconditioner. To also meet future requirements, two external solver modules have been evaluated and plugged into the solver module. A further speed-up of the simulators is highly appreciated, especially for three-dimensional process or device simulations, e.g., for the FinFET structure cut-out shown in the figure. The simulators are now able to employ the parallel direct solver Pardiso as well as four solvers from the Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Systems package.

Part of a three-dimensional FinFET structure
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