The WKB approximation was developed in 1926 independently by Gregor Wentzel, Hendrik Kramers and Léon Brillouin [178]. It can be used for solving quantum mechanical eigen-value problems iteratively. Thus, it can also be used for approximating the time independent Schrödinger equation
which can be rewritten as
with . Solving this equation can be done using the ansatz
Plugging the ansatz (A.3) into the Schrödinger equation (A.2) it can be transfered to an inhomogeneous
non-linear differential equation of second order for which results in
Based on the principle that quantum mechanical relations should correspond to classical relations when the phase
can be expanded in
Plugging (A.5) into (A.4) and sorting the result by the order in we get
where is of order zero in
. From the zeroth order term the differential equation
can be extracted and solved:
From the first order term the corresponding differential equation
can be solved
Using these results in the ansatz (A.3) the WKB-wavefunction has the from